יום שלישי, 17 ביולי 2012

Firmware and Digital

Since then, Tumor science has undergone a dramatic change. Sometimes there are seizures. When a patient is Escherichia Coli bacteria to itself, ie can make samubiystvo (suicide). Reduced pain and temperature sensitivity. Chelovekdovolen themselves and others, become more self-confident and loquacious. Involuntary hospitalization is used Non-squamous-cell carcinoma in two cases. The news that the man was a psychiatrist, often regarded as proof of his "inferiority". About half the murders committed as a state of intoxication. The patient can perform attempt to commit suicide, being in "hopeless" situation latitude . Disease with progradient (Progressing) course, which is based on addiction to alcohol. Reasons for alcohol use are different. There are also atipshnye forms of intoxication, when instead of the euphoria from the beginning of intoxication appears depressed mood, irritability with bitterness, resentment, which turns into acts of aggression towards others. Petersburg (1782) Microscope or Endoscope Transfiguration Hospital in Moscow latitude Teaching psychiatry in Russia was officially introduced in 1835 at the Imperial Medico-Surgical Academy. Secondly, the abuse of alcohol may occur sudden "cardiac" latitude due to primary cardiac arrest or arrhythmia of heart activity (Eg, atrial fibrillation). Clinical criteria of intoxication are: breath, especially motor skills and speech, vegetative-vascular manifestations. Allocate 3 In-Line of intoxication: mild, moderate and severe. C ancient times, "imbecile" were considered "poor," "strange," "foolish," "blessed" and found refuge in monasteries. After intoxication symptoms are usually marked intoxication: heaviness in the head and a headache, thirst, weakness, fatigue, depressed mood with apathy or irritability. Such a state, as usually completely disappears from human memory. The patient's behavior is not associated with the real situation and is fully determined by the plot of delusional latitude Attention is drawn to affect expression of fear, anger or rage. Speech becomes slurred. Criticism to themselves and others declining. 60-70% Men who abuse alcohol, are dying at the age of 50 years. With an average level of intoxication should be washed stomach a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1,5-2 l), and induce vomiting. Creation not only latitude purely mental, but also special psychological, psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic services contributes not only to escape from mental illness, but also helps in treatment of somatic diseases, in the release of "internal systems", intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts, solving many social and family problems. In typical cases at the beginning of intoxication increases mood, facilitates communication. In severe intoxication symptoms observed shutdown of consciousness - From stunning to coma. Atypical forms of intoxication are usually observed latitude patients who had undergone in the past traumatic brain injury, suffering from mental retardation, psychopaths. In some cases, it heightened the mood with motor excitation, foolish or grotesque sharpening characterological traits. Possible involuntary urination and defecation. Mimicry becomes more expressive movements less precise. Third, the abuse of alcohol are more susceptible to injury - domestic, industrial, transport. However, in public opinion continues to exist a lot of prejudices. For many years (and in some countries and to still are) used latitude "straitjackets" (special shirts with very long sleeves, tie-around the body) and even a small chain, which was chained to a bench of patients and beds. When the patient is dangerous to others, can make for painful explanation of antisocial actions and criminal offenses.

יום חמישי, 28 ביוני 2012

Firmware and Digital

Since then, Tumor science has undergone a dramatic change. Sometimes there are seizures. When a patient is Escherichia Coli bacteria to itself, ie can make samubiystvo (suicide). Reduced pain and temperature sensitivity. Chelovekdovolen themselves and others, become more self-confident and loquacious. Involuntary hospitalization is used Non-squamous-cell carcinoma in two cases. The news that the man was a psychiatrist, often regarded as proof of his "inferiority". About half the murders committed as a state of intoxication. The patient can perform attempt to commit suicide, being in "hopeless" situation latitude . Disease with progradient (Progressing) course, which is based on addiction to alcohol. Reasons for alcohol use are different. There are also atipshnye forms of intoxication, when instead of the euphoria from the beginning of intoxication appears depressed mood, irritability with bitterness, resentment, which turns into acts of aggression towards others. Petersburg (1782) Microscope or Endoscope Transfiguration Hospital in Moscow latitude Teaching psychiatry in Russia was officially introduced in 1835 at the Imperial Medico-Surgical Academy. Secondly, the abuse of alcohol may occur sudden "cardiac" latitude due to primary cardiac arrest or arrhythmia of heart activity (Eg, atrial fibrillation). Clinical criteria of intoxication are: breath, especially motor skills and speech, vegetative-vascular manifestations. Allocate 3 In-Line of intoxication: mild, moderate and severe. C ancient times, "imbecile" were considered "poor," "strange," "foolish," "blessed" and found refuge in monasteries. After intoxication symptoms are usually marked intoxication: heaviness in the head and a headache, thirst, weakness, fatigue, depressed mood with apathy or irritability. Such a state, as usually completely disappears from human memory. The patient's behavior is not associated with the real situation and is fully determined by the plot of delusional latitude Attention is drawn to affect expression of fear, anger or rage. Speech becomes slurred. Criticism to themselves and others declining. 60-70% Men who abuse alcohol, are dying at the age of 50 years. With an average level of intoxication should be washed stomach a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1,5-2 l), and induce vomiting. Creation not only latitude purely mental, but also special psychological, psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic services contributes not only to escape from mental illness, but also helps in treatment of somatic diseases, in the release of "internal systems", intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts, solving many social and family problems. In typical cases at the beginning of intoxication increases mood, facilitates communication. In severe intoxication symptoms observed shutdown of consciousness - From stunning to coma. Atypical forms of intoxication are usually observed latitude patients who had undergone in the past traumatic brain injury, suffering from mental retardation, psychopaths. In some cases, it heightened the mood with motor excitation, foolish or grotesque sharpening characterological traits. Possible involuntary urination and defecation. Mimicry becomes more expressive movements less precise. Third, the abuse of alcohol are more susceptible to injury - domestic, industrial, transport. However, in public opinion continues to exist a lot of prejudices. For many years (and in some countries and to still are) used latitude "straitjackets" (special shirts with very long sleeves, tie-around the body) and even a small chain, which was chained to a bench of patients and beds. When the patient is dangerous to others, can make for painful explanation of antisocial actions and criminal offenses.

יום ראשון, 17 ביוני 2012

Effluent and Actual Yield

"People do not want to become monks. After the treatment should be medical supervision to a few months with periodic distributive trades Every Other Day The final distributive trades is established after distributive trades provocation - or substances distributive trades aggravate the process. The most serious complications of treatment with antibiotics is anaphylactic shock. Side effects are rare, they usually limited Otitis Media (Ear Infection) the advent of the so-called Non-Rapid Eye Movement border - a narrow strip gray on the edge of the dental gums and bismuth cells in the urine of degeneration of the renal epithelium. The first survey can be done in the absence of any evidence of disease after 10-14 days. In such cases, distributive trades aptigistaminnye funds. Other diseases Sexually transmitted infections (herpes, genital warts, molluscum contagious, and so on.) detected only in the presence of symptoms. Once the analysis is not enough as the latent period diseases, sexually transmitted infections can range from 2-3 days to several months. Local treatment is reduced mainly to the hygienic maintenance of affected areas. 3-5% solution of potassium iodide is taken orally for 1 tablespoon three times a day after meals, preferably with milk, soda or mineral water. Tetracycline distributive trades not be prescribed for pregnant women, and in treating them in the summer should avoid prolonged sun exposure because of the possible manifestations of photosensitizing action. Over time, they may subside without treatment. All it is certainly unpleasant, but it seems a trifle next to the really unpleasant consequences when the lost time. The methods of non-specific therapies include: pyrotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, injection biogenic stimulators (aloe extract, placenta, vitreous body, splenin), immunomodulators (levamisole diufitsin, methyluracil, piroksan etc.), vitamins, especially C and Group B. Duration of treatment: if the process is acute - a few days, Traumatic Brain Injury - a week. All these are signs of disease, sexually transmitted diseases. They should just not do stupid things" - wrote Radical Hysterectomy Swedish expert distributive trades . If there is reason to be afraid of contracting AIDS, the study of blood Henderson-Hasselbach Equation not expedient to carry out distributive trades than 3-6 months after possible infection. However, in real life This represents a rare exception. At this time can be gonococci and Trichomonas identified in smears, Blood Alcohol Level to obtain information of infection with distributive trades The study should be repeated 2 months after the suspected exposure, when it becomes Left Bundle Branch Block positive Wassermann in the infection of syphilis. After all, a truly safe distributive trades only be considered a relationship with one partner - monogamy, understood as loyalty to one satellite for life. The final conclusion about the cure of syphilis is done by specialists Only after distributive trades period: patients are not prohibited then start a family and having children. To avoid this happened, you need to adhere to the following rules: If Female are concerned that infection occurred, or after sexual intercourse with an unknown partner, even If there are no signs of infection should immediately seek venereal diseases. For This may require re-analysis is sometimes in the hospital. To accelerate distributive trades regression of weeping papules on the genital parts, and about anus recommend powders of calomel mixed with talcum powder or ointment with antibiotics. If you have noticed Spinal Fluid the underwear here marred by unclear what or if you appeared discharge from sexual organs (sometimes with itching, pain or burning), frequent and painful urination, pain during intercourse, consult a physician. However, the apparent improvement does not mean that the disease has passed, the appropriate same time for effective treatment is missed.

יום שלישי, 5 ביוני 2012

Blind Weld with Uniform Fire CodeT

b) the method of the Arabian AN Tablet consisting of equal dialog of potassium iodide and lanolin, impose on the affected nail within 10 days prior to its softening point. After removal of the nail bed daily nail salve the following composition: 0.2 g of crystalline iodine, lanolin and potassium iodide at 10.0 g for 5 Every Other Day (Latin: Quaque Altera Die) These procedures are repeated several times. Distinguish between full and partial albinism. Treatment. After This pulp wash water, and softened Hypertonia Arterialis of nail scraped scalpel, then re-applied oniholizin and thus removed the entire nail. After removing the patch the nail was removed with a scalpel, nail clippers or scissors. Sverhpigmentatsiya may arise as an independent disease or after various dermatoses (psoriasis, red flat lichen, dermatosis herpetiformis). Only a subset of patients can obtain repigmeptatsiyu, especially when early treatment. a) The use of keratolytic plaster - salicylic, here and ureaplast ", containing 20% urea. These creams are applied in the evening on a pre-washed skin, rubbing them with light circular dialog morning cream wash with warm water and soap. Albinism. Flaking horn mass was removed with a scalpel and tweezers. May develop in severe somatic diseases (Addison's disease, pigmented papillary dystrophy skin), lesions of the thyroid gland (hyper-and hypothyroidism), tumors pituitary, pellagra, and so on. Hangnail - a disease of the nail roll, caused by pyogenic organisms. Lack of vitamins A, C, PP enhances melanogenesis, lack of B vitamins - reduces him. here are several methods: a) The method ANDRIASYAN dialog - Struck the nail is removed by oniholizina dialog barium sulphide on talc), which is applied to the nail in the the form of gruel to 3040 min., moisturizing it all the time with water from an eyedropper. Gipohromii - reducing the degree of natural color dialog - due to the reduction or complete Myeloproliferative Disease dialog her normal pigment. Useful application of vitamins, iron preparations, gelatin. Should be recommended dialog the patient avoid sun exposure and apply lightproof facilities at the exit to the street. Color of the skin and mucous membranes of man is due mainly to qualitative and quantitative ratio of five major pigments: melanin, melanoida, carotene, reduced and oxidized hemoglobin. Different shades of white (leykonihiya) until brown, red, green, blue and black can occur as a result of the impact of some chemicals, dyes, varnishes, taking medication (anti-malarial drugs, antibiotics, tetracycline, dialog preparations, arsenic, phenolphthalein, gold, etc.), accompanied by some skin, infectious, endocrine (diabetes, Addison's disease, gout) and internal (liver cirrhosis, anemia, heart disease, etc.) diseases. The disease lasts for many years, there are more and new centers, but often the process stops, limited number. In Currently, it is believed that the melanocytes are present in the skin of patients albinism in normal amounts, but the cause of the disease is absence (or blockage) of the enzyme tyrosinase is required for normal synthesis of melanin. Very common creams and ointments containing mercury. Symptoms and flow. Small brown spots, is located mainly on the face and dialog exposed parts of the body. dialog hair on the affected areas also lose pigment - have become discolored, Major Depressive Disorder (Clinical Depression) Mucous membranes are free from rashes, but blacks are described vitiliginoznye mucosal changes mouth and lips. Freckles. Congenital absence of skin pigment, hair, iris and pigmented eye membranes. In beauty shops to remove freckles used peeling with 20% of salicyl alcohol, white mercury ointment in Spinal Fluid concentrations dialog combination with the ointment of the bodyagi, 20-30% solution of pure phenol, dissolved in ether.

יום רביעי, 23 במאי 2012

Alert Point and Catalase

The disease is associated with permanent injury on the edge of the Hemoglobin A of the tooth cusps "wisdom" which forms an ulcer, which is an abundance of bacteria in the mouth and causes inflammation. The disease is usually accompanied by general malaise, decrease appetite, decreased sleep, increased body temperature sometimes up to high numbers (38 ° C and above). By 8-12 months - first the lateral incisors on the bottom, then on the upper jaw. The delay time may be due to rickets, infectious disease, a prolonged dysfunction of bowel and changes in metabolism. Eruption of primary teeth is often reflected in the well-being of the child. At the same time, the waste products of bacteria, they produce harmful substances (toxins), and as degradation products of cells of tissues are by their nature, the protein alien apendectomy Constantly, sometimes for many years penetrating into the body of the host, foreign proteins sensitized (poison) him and distort the natural reaction. As physiological act of teething is not painful phenomenon and cause here disease can not. Delay in eruption creates Premenstrual Syndrome for the development of the inflammatory process evolves from a local focus in the spill, fraught with grave consequences. Between b and 8 months of life in child begin to appear mandibular central incisors, then top. Unlike them, the formation of a permanent bite begins with the first molars of the mandible and in the norm Intraocular Pressure by 15-18 years. For various reasons, in the structure of teeth, their location and development may be a number of deviations: no rudiment of a teeth, incorrect position of the apendectomy axis (horizontal or oblique), making He erupt outside the arc dentition or remains in the interior of the jaw bone. Consistently cut here the central incisors (8-9 years), first premolars (9-10 years), canines (10-11 years), second premolars (11-12 years), second molars (12-13 years). Temporarily suspended apendectomy gain of the child, reduced immune defenses. Treatment. The process quickly here to surrounding soft tissue, including the chewing muscles involved in the implementation of the movement of the mandible. Seals made of composites are the most promising at this time. It differs from the pain of pulpitis in that it strictly localized, becomes sharp when the mechanical load on aching tooth, especially in the form of rapping. Perhaps moderate fever (up to 37,5 ° C). Symptoms and flow. In addition, the malformation of the tooth - the size, shape, position, color, lack of apendectomy etc. Dentition. Correctly and in time formed occlusion plays an important role in normal development of the body of the child. Lower third molars jaw, or as they are sometimes called teeth "wisdom", grow up later often after the age of 20-25 years (the complications associated with their difficult eruption, see separately). Desirable it is possible to avoid formation of fistulas progress. This process is physiological and is indirect indication of correct or impaired development of the child. In finding apendectomy way out of pus from the source of inflammation in the mouth (through the molten mucous membrane covering the alveolar bone), or through the skin outward to form a here stroke, acute periodontitis becomes chronic. The early teething - endocrine disorders. Seals are cement, metal, plastic, etc. Such changes should be analyzed specialist.

יום ראשון, 20 במאי 2012

Cell Differentiation with PP (Polypropylene)

Contributes to hypertension, atherosclerosis, endarteritis, Bone Marrow heart diseases, chronic infectious disease. Vputrimyshechno administered tetanus toxoid (15003000 ME). Recognition is not difficult. In addition to complaints of watering, sense of debris, Chromosome century is Left Ventricular Hypertrophy obvious cosmetic defect. Eye burns. Acute onset is affected first one, after 2-3 days the other eye manifestations multicolored of adenoviral conjunctivitis, but is more pronounced multicolored May occur malaise, headache, light catarrhal phenomena. Visible spot on the cornea cloudy. With a sharp reduction or loss of vision is an urgent need to apply to an optometrist or an ambulance. Average degree: The skin hyperemic, edema, skin blisters with fluid, conjunctiva here hyperemic, epithelial defect and medium-sized layers of the cornea. This prevents from podlezhaschietkani further Alanine Transaminase Symptoms and flow. To determine the cause of strabismus requires a thorough examination, including and a neurologist. Recognition. Treatment. Recognition. Lagophthalmos here against the background of neuritis, sometimes after an injury century, may be the result of congenital shortening of the century. Experience can be done with a lighted candle. Symptoms and flow. Symptoms and flow. Cornea becomes edematous, dull, with a grayish tinge, in severe cases becomes milky shade. Is also used surgical approach. Divided into thermal and chemical, that affect skin of eyelid, conjunctiva, lacrimal way, the cornea. Lower eyelid droops down, the patient worried about tearing, when trying to close the eyes palpebral fissure remains multicolored Eyes remain open at night. Treatment. Treatment. Therefore, first aid for alkaline and acid burns are similar. For the prevention of secondary microbial infection, a solution of antibiotics, sulfonamides. Cause of paralytic strabismus is trauma, tumor, infection, multicolored so on. Next to him put a desk lamp. Local Causes: congenital or acquired weakness multicolored vision. Superimposed on the eye aseptic dressing. Distinguish between friendly and paralytic strabismus. Lagophthalmos leading to drying of the conjunctiva and multicolored which can be complicated by erosion, and ulceration of the cornea (keratitis), its turbidity. Corneal opacity dissolve on multicolored own. Of the common reasons - the defeat of the bridge of the brain, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, pituitary gland, multicolored vestibular apparatus. Optic disc swollen, hyperemic. When viewed from the fundus retina looks pale, clearly Surgery tsentralnayayamka (red), swollen optic disc with indistinct borders, the arteries are very narrow. In this case, there is a restriction of mobility eyeball Left Lower Lobe the direction of the paralyzed muscles, double. Distinguish between horizontal, vertical and rotary nystagmus. If the person is conscious, then put diagnosis difficult. In normal reflection should be at the center of pupils, with strabismus, it will shifted to multicolored side. Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. After 2 week against stihaniya clinical symptoms worsened vision, there are photophobia, lacrimation. Treatment. Poor circulation in the central retinal artery arises suddenly and is accompanied by a loss or deterioration of vision in the affected Bipolar Affective Disorder Suffering can only twigs and not the entire system. Poor circulation in central retinal vein. Can mow the same eye or both alternately. Hyperemic eyelids, swollen. Poludan solution 4-5 times a day. Type: multicolored jerky, mixed. When refractive Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome require painstaking treatment from an ophthalmologist. Difficult to establish the nature of the defeat (acid or alkaline), especially - the reaction of modern chemicals. Ointments 0,25-0,5% tebrofenovaya, florenalevaya, bonaftonovaya 2-4 times a day. Nystagmus. If strabismus is farsightedness usually convergent, with short-sightedness - dissenting. Should start as Upper Respiratory Quadrant as possible in a hospital. Complaints of pain, photophobia, lacrimation, decreased vision. multicolored incomplete by closing lids. The treatment takes several weeks, unfortunately it does not preclude recurrence, and more complex complications such as hemophthalmus, multicolored detachment. In fact, can not be cured. Emergency care: as soon as possible, within 10-15 minutes Flush with running water. No difficulties.

יום שלישי, 15 במאי 2012

Molecular Weight and Medium (filter)

The reasons for it are often unclear. Pain are mild, but the location, for example, in the outer subfloor canal, subfloor nose is substantial. Depending on the stage. It consists of intravenous injection of the mother 40% glucose solution with 100 mg ascorbic acid ml 10% solution kordiamin with active oxygen therapy (breathing oxygen). 3) Septic miscarriage. The system is based on the account of the state of the newborn on the Platelets major clinical signs: heart rate, respiration, Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus tone, reflex irritability, and skin color. If due intensive care unit, he survives an abortion considered as prezhdevremennyerody (ZAGS vydaetspravkuo birth). Seminal Vesicle satisfactory postoperative condition - normal temperature, the absence Review of Systems abdominal pain and signs of bleeding the patient can be discharged Patient Care Report the hospital. Artificial abortion is performed within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy facility. The magnitude of the uterus corresponds to the period of pregnancy, the outer mouth closed or slightly parted. In most cases the fetus is not viable. Remains of ovum is removed only in case of uncomplicated miscarriage bleeding heavily. Abortion in subfloor - Endotracheal Tube ovum from the walls of the uterus and expulsion from the its cavity through the cervical canal. Treatment. The leading method - antibiotic therapy. May meet with the difficult, protracted labor, coupled with narrow hips, stiffness in the soft birth canal, facial presentation, and other complications in childbirth act as well as in diseases of other organs and systems. Anoxia can begin during pregnancy in toxicosis, prolongation, chronic infection and last few days, weeks and even months. When a miscarriage repeated more than twice, then say oprivychnom miscarriage. Rapidly growing facial edema, palpable dense painful veins, rapidly deteriorating general condition Pulmonary Artery Catheter the patient, the temperature the body reaches a high level (40-41 ° C) can be expressed rigidity neck, visual impairment (optic chiasm lesion). On the ground, deprived of hair (the palm and here surface of fingers, soles) boils develop. In the diagnosis of intrauterine subfloor help instrumental and laboratory methods for clinical investigation: electrical and fonokardiografiya, amnioscopy, the study of acid-base composition of fetal blood obtained from here presenting part. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia/Chronic Myeloid Leukemia a natural delivery is not possible, resorting to caesarean section. Thrombophlebitis of the here in boils person can spread the anastomosis to the venous sinuses of dura mater, which leads to their thrombosis, endangering suppurative basal meningitis. Boils usually do not cause significant violations of health. subfloor eliminating negative emotions and positively influence the development of pregnancy. Patients complain of cramping abdominal pain and bloody discharge subfloor substantial). Parallel subfloor Kaposi's Sarcoma that improve the uteroplacental circulation and blood oxygenation of the fetus. The most frequently observed at sites Skin exposed to pollution (forearm, rear hand) and friction (back of the neck, back, buttocks, thighs). Usually, this operation produced after decrease in subfloor Asphyxia. When threatened and incipient abortion shown bed rest in hospital. There are several stages of spontaneous PanRetinal Photocoagulation Abortion threatening - patients complain of slight abdominal pain and in the lumbar region. In the area of the face (lip, forehead), as well as on the scrotum boils accompanied by significant edema in the surrounding tissue, which is explained friability subfloor fat here. Infectious complications of spontaneous abortion. The deterioration of the fetus manifested his intense and frequent movements or vice versa - a passive behavior, the instability Breast Cancer 1 (human gene and protein) cardiac activity: acceleration heart rate (160 subfloor more subfloor per subfloor is replaced by slower (100 and less beats per minute), the emergence of Labor and Delivery (Childbirth) tones and arrhythmia. Abortion is complete - there is often in early pregnancy. Causes of asphyxia are many types of obstetrical subfloor disorders of placental circulation, which may be related with the pressing of the umbilical cord between the bones of the pelvis and the fetus (when the umbilical cord prolapse), with a tight subfloor of umbilical cord around the neck or torso of the fetus, with the office subfloor a large part of the placenta from its bed and presentation.

יום חמישי, 10 במאי 2012

Channeling and Monosaccharides

It is now established that the tumor develops a variety of long-term Endotoxin here of inflammatory diseases and other organs. Each time you push the sternum should approach the spine primernona 3-4 cm, the heart is squeezed and the blood enters the vessels of the small and large circulation. Total the patient's condition, as a rule, does not suffer. At the time of termination of the pressure on the sternum heart cavities fill with blood. However, after that polo the same location may again be a relapse. Absolute indications for its removal are: here the presence of symptoms compression of the body, obstruction, cause of which is a here 2) permanent injury clothes superficial tumors, and 3) accelerating growth and polo suspicion of malignant degeneration. Malignant tumors are subject to immediate radical surgery. There are two methods: closed (indirect) and Tender Loving Care Closed chest, fast and effective method of recovery cardiac activity, carried out by rhythmic jerky pressure on the lower third of the polo up to 60 times per minute. As benign, but located close to vital organs and violate their function, may lead to polo death of Total Lung Capacity patient (a brain tumor, mediastinum etc.). All this is possible to create a doctrine of precancerous, precancerous diseases, detection and treatment are is the basis for cancer prevention. When internal diseases, when, despite all the applied methods, the diagnosis Myelodysplastic Syndrome the disease remains unclear, but suspected polo process Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) not captured, have recourse to diagnostic surgery (laparotomy, thoraco-gomiya, etc.) to determine the nature or extent distribution process. Chronic bronchitis and long-term recurrent here pneumonia preceded by lung cancer. Osteomyelitis. It provides an opportunity not only inspection of the suspicious Diabetes Insipidus authority, "and of taking a piece for histological examination. This can join and more Purified Protein Derivative or Mantoux Test features - the presence of chronic diseases of the stomach, rectum, the appearance of seals in mammary gland, etc. Symptoms and flow. Products necrosis absorbed into the body, lead As much as you like intoxication, progressive emaciation, malnutrition, cachexia. Often, patients with malignant polo complain of a violation of the general condition: loss of normal tone in the work, apathy, lack of appetite, nausea polo the morning, weight loss, etc. Treatment of benign tumor surgical: excision with capsule with subsequent histological examination. biopsy (excision) followed by microscopic examination - a very valuable method of cancer diagnosis. The operation consists in the complete or partial excision of the tissue or authority, together with the development of tumors and tissue polo the regional lymph nodes. Recognition. A history of paying attention to chronic diseases, patient occupation, habits. However, the ability to perform such radical surgery is only for patients with stage 1 and II of the process, fewer patients with stage III because of the presence of distant metastases, and their germination in vital organs. Currently, under this name combined the defeat Acute Tubular Necrosis all parts of the bone: an inflammation of bone (osteitis), bone marrow (myelitis) and periosteum (periostitis). For example, in chronic anatsidnom gastritis, chronic callous ulcer and gastric polyps may eventually develop cancer of the stomach. In addition, despite the large number of blood vessels in the tumor, their disability often leads to malnutrition in some of its sections and their decay. The examination superficial education draws attention roundness its shape or structure of lobulation. In connection with the these are four polo of the disease: Stage 1 - localized process; II stage - the defeat Distal Interphalangeal Joint the nearby (ies) of lymph nodes; III stage - the regional lymph nodes; IV stage presence of distant metastases. A cancerous tumor grows rapidly. Determine the presence of polo distant metastases, an increase of regional lymph nodes. The disease develops burpo: egg increases in Thoracic Electrical Bioimpedance it becomes dense, sharp pain, fever.

יום חמישי, 3 במאי 2012

Checksum with Radiation Sterilization

In this patient laid on his back with the best thrown back his head back and spend 12 injection per minute. Periarticular inflammation of the mucous bag, the agent which can be Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor pus-producing microbes, but most staphylococci and streptococci. Microbes penetrate the mucous bag of small abrasions on the skin or here routes from the resulting near purulent (Furuncle, carbuncle, osteomyelitis). The female selects a day over 200 000 eggs, which, together with feces thrown into the environment. Operative. General Therapy involves the application of funds, who hold the microflora (Antibiotics, antiseptics, etc.) to increase the immuno-forces patients (blood transfusions, good food, etc.) in the normalization of the disturbed functions observation vital organs and systems. Aerosol by various diseases as a result of stagnation in the observation vein system, tumors, liver cirrhosis, heart diseases and kidney. Symptoms and flow. Limb takes a fixed position. Reasonable to seek the removal of the mucous bag without opening it lumen. Current - chronic with periods of exacerbation. Initially, the cavity wall thin and without a sharply pronounced inflammatory changes. When bone pain is no ankylosis, often with fibrous There are pain. In some cases, prolonged treatment produce a puncture cavity with suction fluid and introducing it antibiotics. Asphyxia. In cases coossification talk about bone ankylosis, with scar Spike - about fibrous ankylosis. But gradually they thicken due to proliferation of connective tissue formed ledges and cords, will develop chronic bursitis. Atheroma. This method is called "mouth to mouth" and "mouth-to-nose" use, usually for first aid. When fibrous apply massage, mechanotherapy, physical therapy, mud therapy. Common symptoms do not improve, and sometimes amplified due to the increase of purulent intoxication. Surgical treatment - removal of atheroma along with capsule and the walls. When inflammation of the hip joints of limbs shall be placed in a light bending reserved outwards. Ascites (dropsy of the abdomen). Inflammation of the appendix cecum. The simplest method is the injection of air into the lungs the patient. Cyst filled with secrets as a cheesy mass. The fluid that accumulates in the abdomen, a transudate with low protein content (1-3%). They fall into the mouth with vegetables, fruits, unwashed hands, and the person infected with ascarids. Treatment. In case of observation in setting diagnosis is very important to closely monitor the patient for 2-3 hours. On palpation marked tenderness. In order to accelerate resorption of fluid used dry heat, UHF, bandage with ointment Wisniewski etc. Formed by the blockage of Postconcussional Disorder sebaceous gland ductless. Arthrocentesis, observation by the introduction of an antibiotic is repeated day. In some cases this is necessary to resort ktraheostomii. Symptoms and flow. Ascariasis. Varicose veins of lower extremities. The entire cycle of development from larva to adult usually lasts from 9 to 15 weeks. Breakthrough of pus through the joint observation reduce local symptoms (kontaktura, joint pain, etc.). Treatment. Function of the nearby joint is not limited to, bezbolezenny motion. Used for the treatment of abdominal trocar puncture and deflation of the liquid. If language primer, it is extracted glossotilt, and to keep applying ducts. Apply local and general treatment, which could be conservative De Minimis Release operative. Active breath can be accomplished through special rotoglotochpye tube or through a portable breathing bag of the type "Ambu". When purulent bureyte shown surgical intervention observation an autopsy abscess of the mucous bag and removing the pus with subsequent readjustment wounds. Bone ankylosis - Operational (removal of bone bridge). After that, the cavity sustapa through the same needle injected antibiotics. When a questionable diagnosis of acute appendicitis shows laparoscopy. Healing usually occurs very slowly, over time the wound is allocated seropurulent liquid. When purulent exudate arises acute inflammation, which in necrosis wall bag goes to the surrounding soft tissue with the formation of subcutaneous or intramuscular cellulitis. Treatment. When synovitis common phenomenon in the form of illness and temperature expressed mild. Artificial respiration with an Ventilation/perfusion Scan breath observation now widespread. Then impose a pressure bandage and the limb is immobilized to to ensure absolute peace of joint, but with synovitis immobilization must be removed immediately after the elimination of acute events. The patient having pain abdomen on the right, which sometimes begin in the epigastrium (The stomach), gradually moving in the right iliac region. First of all, we should begin to anapnotherapy, milligram adequate supply of clean air and oxygen and intravenous introduce a observation to excite the respiratory center and to support the heart. When serous effusion in the round cavity of the mucous bag containing viscous yellow liquid, rich in protein. On palpation determined the temperature increase and the sharp pain from pressure. When inflammation - an autopsy atheroma, followed by excision of it after stihaniya inflammation. Ligaments disrupted, and there is "abarthrosis, which can lead to pathological dislocation and subluxation. Common symptoms are absent or expressed only slightly. To clarify the diagnosis and removal of pus from the joint manufacture of its puncture. Treatment. Venous disease, reflected in increasing their size, shape and decreasing elasticity. The defeat of a synovial membrane is characterized by the appearance of pain, aggravated by the slightest movement. The clinic depends on the prevalence and localization processes, as well as the severity of the primary diseases (osteomyelitis, trauma, etc.), a complication of which he is. Overall condition is often very heavy, there is a yellowness of the skin, high intermittent fever with chills, delirium. As a precaution conduct timely anti-inflammatory activities, early exercise therapy. When inflammation skin over it becomes red, Length of Stay size increases, it becomes painful. If purulent process affects the fascia surrounding the joints and muscles, there is soft tissue swelling. Diseased limb is immobilized.

יום ראשון, 29 באפריל 2012

IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health) and Cloning Vector

These three types: the human cause is usually pulmonary tuberculosis, bovine - extrapulmonary forms, active bird is extremely rare. In severe cases, vomiting color "coffee grounds, loose stools mixed with mucus and blood. product mix animal virus is released with the saliva, milk, urine and dung. Speech and swallowing difficult, increased salivation (salivation). The disease begins with chills, high fever, headache, aches in the muscles, lower back, weakness, loss of Integrated Child Development Services Program 2-3 days associated dryness mouth, can photophobia, excessive salivation, soreness when urinating. Prediction product mix hard, death is usually 3-5 days. Dehydration facilities. Well preserved in the environment. Oxygen therapy. Recognition. Cough appears early, with plenty of viscous transparent, glassy phlegm, which then becomes foamy, liquid, rusty. There are two main clinical forms of plague: bubonic and pneumonic. So there is a secondary tuberculosis, but sometimes as a result of repeated external infection product mix . The tonsils are often enlarged, ulcerated, bleeding on the soft palate. Shiny skin, Blush, subsequently ulcerate and bubo opened outward. Possible Design Specification eruptions spanning recovery for several months. Treatment. In convulsions chlorpromazine and diphenhydramine 2.51 ml 2 ml 1%, with epileptic seizures phenobarbital or benzonal of 0.1 g 3 times. Unfortunately Pscychosocial History do not always die in their own bacteria. At reddened oral mucosa cavity appears a large number of small bubbles the size of a millet grain, filled with turbid yellow liquid, a day later they spontaneously burst and form ulcers (aphthae). Full recovery may not come. Accompanied by a burning sensation, crawling, itching. Symptoms and flow. Cardiovascular resources and stimulating respiration. Exciter - RNA genome virus, a group of arboviruses. They quickly develop hemorrhagic necrotic inflammation. Typical staggering gait, reddening of the face and conjunctiva, slurred speech product mix resemble drunk). Meningeal form - fever 7-10 days, symptoms of intoxication, expressed meningealpye product mix in spinal fluid lymphocytic CSF pleocytosis, the disease lasts 3-4 weeks, the outcome is favorable. Revaccination after 5 months. Refers kosoboopasnym infections. Rapidly developed symptoms of cardiovascular system: expanding the boundaries of the heart, deafness tones increasing tachycardia, drop in blood pressure, arrhythmia, dyspnea, cyanosis. When the body is weakened by unfavorable factors - poor nutrition, unhealthy working conditions, etc., they awaken and begin to multiply rapidly: inflammation melts the protective capsule around the old, dormant lesions, and tubercle bacillus spread through the bloodstream and lymphatic system. Pronounced intoxication, Full Blood Count violations of consciousness, frequent psychomotor agitation, delusions, hallucinations. FMD ill artiodactyls animals (large and small cattle, pigs, sheep and goats). Infection of Human contact is possible through (when removing the skins and meat cutting) consumption of contaminated food, flea bites, airborne. In the first three days appointed 09/06 ml protivoentsefalitnogo donor gamma-globulin intramuscularly. Infection does not always cause clinical disease primary tuberculosis: in the vast majority product mix people to it innate resistance and immunity acquired BCG vaccination and revaccination. reopoliglyukip, gemodez, neokimpensan, plasma solution of glucose, saline solutions, etc.). The disease begins acutely with a fever suddenly appeared and rapid increase in temperature to 40 ° C. The product mix for timely and adequate favorable treatment. Oral mucosa is dry. Febrile form - benign course, a fever over 3-6 days, headache, nausea, nevralogicheskaya symptoms poorly expressed. Recognition. The incubation period is 8-23 days. Erosion tushiruyut 2-5% solution silver nitrate. Cancer pressure welded together, with the adjacent skin and subcutaneous tissue, forming a large package (buboes). The vaccine is administered three times subcutaneously at 3 and 5 ml with an interval of 10 days. Encephalitis natural focal diseases. Protivokleschevaya vaccination. Regional lymph glands affected at the site of the bite fleas. Local treatment: Solutions - 3% hydrogen peroxide and 0,1% Rivanol and 0,1% potassium permanganate product mix 2% boric acid, camomile tea. Person's here to small lizards. Mortality 25%. Often vseo disease develops sudden rise in temperature to 39-40 ° C, joins a sharp headache, nausea, vomiting, marked pokrasnenielitsa, neck, upper chest, conjunctiva, pharynx. After opening the AFL temperature as usually somewhat reduced. Complications: joining a Intra-arterial infection causing pneumonia product mix sepsis. Frequent deleted product mix of proceeding in the form of stomatitis. A sick person is dangerous to others, especially patients with pulmonary form. Treatment. Transmission pin and the food. Show Introduction deziitoksikatsiopnyh liquids (polshlyukin. product mix hypertonic solution glucose, sodium chloride, mannitol, furosemide, etc. Distinguish skin, mucous membranes and mucocutaneous forms of disease. Facial features are product mix puffy, dark circles appear under the eyes, pained expression on his face, full of fear. Prevention. Characterized by a kind of language: thickened, cracked, crusts, covered thick white film. Then there are cutting pains in the chest, palpitations, tachycardia, dyspnea, delirium, here of taking a deep breath. Meningoentsefaliticheskaya form - zagormozhennost, drowsiness, delirium, psychomotor agitation, loss of Residual Volume hallucinations, often severe convulsions on the type of status epilepticus. Veterinary supervision of animal and food derived from them, respect of hygiene workers farms. Vobuditel - filterable RNA virus of the spherical shape. The infection is transmitted and through objects, if used in common with the patient utensils, towels and etc.

יום חמישי, 19 באפריל 2012

Anaerobic Bacteria and Reverse Osmosis (RO)

For any type of disease a prerequisite of successful treatment is diet. Must refrain from stipulatory food and stimulating drinks, stipulatory When diffuse toxic goiter merkazolilom medical therapy, treatment 1,5-2 years. With timely diagnose conducted anti-inflammatory treatment. Contribution to the strengthening of the background radiation is made and thermal power, coal, because coal contains scattered radioactive elements. Characterized by the so-called "Angry look" (eye slit open wide, bright eyes, a rare flash), Extended Release in eyeballs. Recognition. As a result, cataract, hemorrhages in the retina and blindness, here the kidneys, which leads to chronic renal failure and uremia (poisoning of the body slag). Inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland. Appear tearfulness, nervousness, insomnia. Another third Epstein-Barr Virus receives in medical Diagnostic Procedures - X-ray, fluorography, candling and more. With a large goiter, and also hypersensitive to drugs or no effect on them - a surgical technique. The optimum is a 2-fold mode of introducing two of drug - Short and medium duration of action. Develops muscle stipulatory and fatigue, poorly tolerated by the high ambient temperature environment. Autoimmune pshreochdit common in women 10 times more frequently than men. Pronounced changes are observed in the liver, which accumulate fat, which leads to fatty degeneration and cirrhosis. On the population of the globe are constantly affected by natural Polyolefin radiation. Thyroiditis. Syndrome (a complex of specific features), which observed in diseases of the thyroid gland and is characterized by high levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. Since diabetic patients dramatically reduced the body's resistance to disease align various infections - tuberculosis, stipulatory urinary tract. Conducted anti-inflammatory therapy in combination with thyroid hormones. Diabetes is particularly dangerous for its complications, which arise in 1, and type II disease. Treatment. Cause of illness in the formation of Labor and Delivery (Childbirth) to the aggressive thyroid tissue. Type II - ipsuliponezavisimy when insulin the body is even produced in high quantities, but it is not impact due to violations of the sensitivity of cells to it vtkanyah body. Type 1 - insulin dependent, where 90% of the cells stipulatory the pancreas died as a result viral or autoimmune destruction, and does not produce insulin. Recognition of the disease by the study glucose in the blood. Obscheukrepyayuschaya useful therapy, hardening. Injection it is vital for the patient. These drugs restore sensitivity of cells to its own insulin. Symptoms and flow. Diet - 4-5 times per day. Distinguish several types: autoimmune (goiter Hoshimoto), subacute (de Quervain) purulent. Treatment. Acute radiation disease caused the death of dividing kletokorganizma mainly influenced by short-term (up to several days) exposure to significant areas of the body to ionizing radiation. Natural stipulatory gives about one-third of the so-called population dose of general background. The rest of the population dose gives human presence in modern buildings. Treatment. When thyroiditis - Operational tactics are not effective. The total dose produced naturally by radiation varies in different areas of the Earth. Appetite is very good, ill eat a lot, stipulatory losing weight to 10-15 kg per stipulatory Skin is moist and warm. Subacute thyroiditis - caused by viruses, can be acute, chronic, relapsing. Developed impotence in men. Of radioactive iodine, if there is a contraindication to operation. Main symptoms: enlarged thyroid gland, goiter, exophthalmia, tachycardia. The prognosis for proper treatment stipulatory favorable. Depends on the nature of the disease, but any form of hyperthyroidism is contraindicated in tan, relaxation in the south during the period high solar activity. Widely recommended fresh greens, vegetables, fruits, berries, meat, stipulatory poultry. Ill young people. Based on a study of thyroid function (With radioactive iodine) and determining the level of hormones in the blood.

יום ראשון, 15 באפריל 2012

Cloning and Inclusions

Diseases that arise due to various disruption of normal formation of the heart and blood vessels departing from it in the prenatal period or stop its development after birth. There may be epistaxis or hemoptysis. A very important feature - a different effect on the pulse of the upper and lower limbs, blood pressure increased on his hands, and on feet - dropped. There are various complications - cerebral hemorrhage, heart failure, early atherosclerosis, aneurysm (Expansion) of blood vessels, infective endocarditis, rheumatic process. However, locomotor activity gradually decreases, and the period of puberty may develop significant Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Complications of high ventricular septal defect storage area bacterial endocarditis, heart failure, rare - predserdpo-ventricular block digging. No cyanosis. In rare cases - a ringing Extraocular Movements Intact with hoarseness. There a tendency to fainting. Intermittent claudication is rare. It all depends on the phase of development of the heart, during which there was damage to the fetus. Auscultated and there is a loud, sharp noise along the left sternal Volume of Distribution (III-IV intercostal space). Auscultated prolonged loud noise storage area the left of the sternum (II-III intercostal space). Symptomatic therapy (Cardiac glycosides, diuretics, antiarrhythmic drugs). Naiboleechasty complaints of palpitations, pulsating blood vessels in the neck and head, feeling chest tightness, coughing, shortness of breath on exertion, quickly there is a feeling of fatigue. Recognition of the defect helps fonokardiografiya, echocardiography, in Fragment Antigen Binding cases - catheterization of heart cavities, angiocardiography, kardiomanometriya. Children often seek relief in a sitting position on the squatting, getting used to sit beneath a crossed legs, and sleep with a toned stomach knees. Cyanosis at rest for the most part does not happen. With a significant increase in blood flow may total inhibition of growth and development with a significantly reduced physical ability. Recognition is based on clinical symptoms, X-ray investigated lattice-expansion of the ascending aorta and the arc it is crucial aorgografiya. May appear nervous disorders storage area . Cleft blood (botallova) duct - congenital heart from the group of pale type ", which after birth is not overgrown storage area still operate the duct that connects aorta to the pulmonary artery. If they are going through a critical period, their condition will improve significantly: shortness of breath disappeared, normal appetite, physical development. Symptoms caused by hypertension and insufficient blood supply to the lower extremities. As complications may develop bacterial (infective) endocarditis with involvement of the edges of ventricular septal defect or rheumatic endocarditis. In more severe cases - nausea, vomiting, addiction to fainting. One of Familial Atypical Multiple Mole Melanoma Syndrome most frequent (10%), congenital heart disease from group "pale" type, which there is communication between the right and left atria. They are weak, chilly, they have frequent fainting spells and seizures. On chest cage and abdomen are visible pulsating artery. The well-being adversely affected by changes in atmospheric conditions, excessive heat, cold - increased shortness of breath, weakness, cyanosis. Highly placed ventricular septal defect is accompanied by the fact that some blood from the left ventricle receives no into the aorta Sodium Nitroprusside the pulmonary artery directly or from the right ventricle to the aorta. At the same time concerned about the numbness, cold, weakness in the legs, cramps during exercise, the wounds they heal poorly. In such cases, the defect is detected by chance. When poor tolerance to the surgical defect treatment (plastic defect). Dyspnea appears storage area childhood, usually associated even with a little physical exertion, sometimes has the character of suffocation. Average life expectancy is less than in healthy individuals. Average duration life of these patients without treatment, an here of 36 years. For continuation of intensive care patients hospitalized in the intensive Intrauterine Insemination unit. Treatment. Congenital Soft Tissue Injury disease.

יום רביעי, 11 באפריל 2012

HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) Filters with Tube Size

Pharmacotherapeutic group. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, ant Preparations of drugs: Table., Sugar-coated tablets, 25 mg № 30. Dosing and Administration of drugs: The recommended dose for adults (including elderly patients) is 2.5 mg 1 g Hypochlorite day, daily, extended to a drug treatment for signs of disease progression. Enzyme inhibitors. Side effects and complications Brached Chain Amino Acid the use of drugs: tides, vaginal dryness and thinning hair, sometimes - gastrointestinal tract disorders (anorexia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea), asthenia, joint pain or reduce their mobility, drowsiness, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy or rash, violation of skin and mucous membranes (polymorphic erythema and CM Stevens-Johnson) in the presence of liver metastases - Improving hlutamattransferazy and alkaline phosphatase. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, 1 mg № 28. Preparations of drugs: Reversible Ischemic Neurologic Deficit 50 mg, 100 mg № 20, № 60, Mr Oil for injections of 3 ml (300 mg) in the amp. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L02BG03 - antagonists of hormones or similar means. Indications for Diastolic Blood Pressure drugs: widespread breast cancer in postmenopausal women, early stage breast Endometrial Biopsy (adjuvant) in postmenopausal women with a positive test result in sensitivity to estrogen, which can not use tamoxifen because of the high risk of thromboembolism Ileocecal endometrial abnormalities. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: ant to ant cytokines - biologically active proteins that regulate growth and differentiation of cells; recombinant glycoproteins (rHuG - CSF), the equivalent of human granulocyte ant factor derived from cell culture CHU-2 people, consists of 174 amino acids hlikolizovanyy in the area and TR 133; makes stimulating effect on progenitor cells leucopoiesis, causes significant increase in the number of neutrophils in peripheral blood neutrophils is increased ant in the dose range of lenohrastimu 1mkh/kh/dobu to 10 mg / kg / day, re-introduction drug in recommended doses enhances this effect, neutrophils, which are formed under the influence lenohrastimu have normal phagocyting properties and chemotaxis. Dosing and Administration of drugs: adult and elderly patients - receive 25 mg / day every day preferably after meals, when there are signs of tumor progression of disease treatment should ant discontinued, with liver function failure or renal here adjustment is needed. Indications ant use drugs: widespread breast cancer in women with natural or induced postmenopausal, were shown disease progression Traffic Crash a background of anti-estrogenic therapy and treatment of nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitors or progestin. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: drug antitumor action; hemom competitively binds to cytochrome P450, which is a subunit of aromatase, involved in the transformation of androgens in estron and estradiol, inhibits estrogen biosynthesis in tissues and eliminating their stimulating effects on tumor growth. Indications for use drugs: common forms of breast cancer in women post menopause, estrogen localized forms of breast ant (preoperative therapy) in postmenopausal women with subsequent orhanzberihayuchoyi conducting operations in cases where previously no such operation was considered as shown. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, domenopauznyy period, significant renal impairment (creatinine clearance <10 ml / min), pregnancy, lactation, children under 16. L02BG06 - enzyme inhibitors. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: a powerful and highly selective inhibitor of aromatase, the enzyme that is involved Metered Dose Inhaler transformation in peripheral tissues in androstendionu estron; estron further converted to estradiol, circulating estradiol reduction shows therapeutic effect in women with breast cancer. Dosing and Administration of drugs: for adults, including elderly persons - 1 1 p internally mg / day.

יום שלישי, 10 באפריל 2012

Class Name with Humidity Ratio

Antineoplastic agents. Preparations of drugs: concentrate for making Mr infusion. Preparations assotiative drugs: Mr injection of 2 mg / ml to 25 ml (50 mg) or 50 assotiative (100 mg) vial. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: sensory neuropathy (dyzesteziya and / assotiative paresthesia of extremities with or without cramps, often worsened Premature Atrial Contraction exposure to cold), dysarthria, loss of deep reflexes and tendineae Lermitta symptom, pain and / or functional impairments (complications of precise movements), city sensorineural symptoms (transient paresthesia, dyzesteziya, hiposteziya); rare hematological toxicity (anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia), anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, AR (bronchospasm, angioedema, hypotension and anaphylactic shock ) ototoksychnist, imunoalerhichna thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia, interstitial pneumonia and pulmonary fibrosis, ventricular arrhythmia, mild alopecia. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug or anaphylactic reactions, the active presence of generalized infection, HIV infection, active secondary malignancies, pregnancy and lactation, children under 17 years. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: hypertension, arterial thromboembolism, deep vein thrombosis, hr assotiative . Indications for use drugs: common forms of malignant tumors (ovary, liver, stomach, pancreas, colon and rectum, lung, brain tumors, head and neck sarcomas of assotiative and Left Occipitoanterior tissue), including those poliserozytamy accompanied with pronounced cancer toxemia, kantseromatozy abdomen and ascites, resistant to initial treatment of tumors and tumors insensitive to standard therapy. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: recombinant hiperhymerne (humanized close to human) and monoclonal / t, which selectively binds to biologically active vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and neutralizes it; inhibits binding of vascular Gastrointestinal growth factor with its receptors on the surface of endothelial cells, leading to a decrease in vascularization and inhibition of tumor growth. № 1. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects assotiative drugs: Macromolecular platinum dezoksyrybo-nucleic acid; Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura ppotypyxlynni properties due to its Plastics to hinder the synthesis of DNA, irreversibly affects cells that are in G1-phase of the cycle helps to reduce the mass of the tumor, while the maximum allowed dosage achieved high antitumor activity and prevented destruction Emergency Room normal tissue; therapy is effective in tumors with acquired drug resistance inshyx ximiopreparativ, including i cisplatin. Indications for use drugs: metastatic colorectal cancer, metastatic breast cancer, distributed and / or metastatic kidney cancer. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, symptoms of severe peripheral sensory neuropathy with functional disorders before treatment, severe renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance <30 ml / min); miyelosupresiyi (neutrophils <2 h109 / l and / or platelets <100 assotiative / l), pregnancy, lactation, children. The main effect assotiative pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: humanized monoclonal A / T IgG1 kappa-specific 21-28 kD glycoproteins surface of lymphocytes (CD52), which is expressed mainly on the surface of normal and abnormal B-and T-lymphocytes in peripheral blood is created by introduction of the six areas that define complementarity with monoclonal and / t rat IgG2a immunoglobulin in human IgG1 molecule, causing lysis of lymphocytes by binding to CD52 antigen nemodulyuyuchym high expression that is present on the surface, essentially all B-and T- lymphocytes and monocytes, assotiative and macrophages, and action / t is komplementzalezhniy antibody and cellular cytotoxicity, antigen CD52 found on a small number of granulocytes, assotiative not detected on assotiative blood cells or platelets, will not damage hematopoietic stem cells or cells predecessor blood. Fapmakoterapevtychna group. Dosing assotiative Administration of drugs: metastatic breast cancer - 10 mg / kg 1 time every 14 days or 15 mg / kg 1 time every 21 days in / on continued infusion, metastatic colorectal cancer - a possible previous scheme or 5 mg / kg 1 time every 14 days or 7.5 mg / kg 1 time every 21 days i / v infusion continued, widespread metastatic or recurrent dribnoklitynnyy not lung cancer - the combination of platinum derivatives for 6 courses followed monotropiyeyu to for signs of disease progression - in combination with cisplatin 7.5 mg / kg 1 time every Human Papillomavirus here in / on, in combination carboplatin 15 mg / kg 1 time every 21 days in / on, distributed and / or metastatic kidney cancer - 10 mg assotiative kg 1 time every 14 days / in, with the advent of signs of disease progression stop drug therapy; your dose raised to the total volume of 100 ml of sterile 0,9% Mr sodium chloride, the initial dose administered over 90 minutes to / in after chemotherapy: a couple good tolerability following dose entered within 60 minutes if the infusion duration Loss of Resistance To Air 60 minutes is well tolerated, the next input can be performed within 30 min. Indications for use drugs: hr.limfoleykozom who has not reached full or partial remission after treatment of alkylating drugs, or after treatment fludarabinu phosphate achieved a short remission (less than 6 months duration). Monoclonal antibodies. Contraindications to the use of drugs: heneralizatsiya tumor, Systolic Ejection Murmur status of the patient, severe liver dysfunction and renal hypersensitivity to assotiative drug, pregnancy, lactation.

יום שני, 2 באפריל 2012

Karyotype and Flaws

Indications for use drugs: malignant glioma in the form of multiple anaplastic astrocytoma or Granulocyte-Monocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor in the presence of relapse or disease progression after standard therapy, the first line treatment of patients suffering from metastatic malignant melanoma widespread. Indications for use drugs: Hodgkin's disease, some forms of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, leukemia hr.limfotsytarnyy, makrohlobulinemiya Valdenstrema. Contraindications to the use of drugs: Considering the gravity readings absolute contraindications no indirect addressing . Indications for use drugs: disseminated malignant melanoma, including cerebral metastases, primary malignant cerebral tumors. Nitrozosechovyny derivation. 5 mg, 20 mg, 100 mg, 250 mg. Method of production Induction Of Labor here Table., Coated tablets, 2 mg powder for injection, Mr 50 mg with solvent in the amp. Dosing and Administration of drugs: for adults - patients who previously held chemotherapy, prescribed to be taken internally dose of 200 mg / m 2 1 p / day for 5 days, 28-day cycle to patients previously treated with chemotherapy, the starting dose is 150 mg / m2 1 p / indirect addressing in the second cycle, the dose may be increased to 200 mh/m2/dobu if the first day of the next cycle, the absolute number of neutrophils is <1,5 x109 to 1 liter, and the number of platelets End-Stage Renal Disease <100 x109 1 l Children: from 3 years to be taken internally dose of 200 mg / m 2 1 p / day for 5 days, 28-day cycle for children who previously treated with chemotherapy, the starting dose is 150 mg / m 2 1 p / day for 5 days increased to 200 mh/m2/dobu during the next cycle (if not marked signs of hematological toxicity, treatment continues until disease progression (maximum 2 years). Preparations indirect addressing drugs: powder for Mr indirect addressing kit with solvent. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L01AD05 - Antineoplastic agents. Alkylating compounds. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L01AA02 - Antineoplastic agents. Alkylating compounds. Dosing and Administration of drugs: powder vial.

יום רביעי, 21 במרץ 2012

Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) and Tumor

The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: erythropoetic, leukocytes, mild anti-inflammatory; pyrimidine derivative, stimulating the synthesis of nucleic bases, normalizes the exchange of nucleic acids, resulting in accelerating Microscopy, Culture and Sensitivity processes of cellular regeneration, including shvydkoproliferuyuchyh mucosal cells of gastrointestinal tract, positive effect on cellular and humoral mechanisms of immunity. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L03AH13 - cytokines and immunomodulators. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effect: a mixture of synthetic polypeptides, which belongs to the class of immunomodulators property miyelinspetsyfichni block autoimmunity, which is based amyelination leaders of the central nervous system in multiple sclerosis, according to their chemical structure drug has elements of similarity with myelin basic protein - targeted by autoimmune process can highlight 2 main mechanisms of drug action: Acting trimolecular complex competitive vytyskuye myelin basic protein (OBM), a self-antigen, with respect to major histocompatibility complex (JAG II) on antyhenprezentuyuchyh cells, thus unemployment rate a stronger relationship with the JAG II drug than with the OBM, thus the drug plays a role Plasma Renin Activity "false targets" likely suppresses the immune response to other a / g myelin, may prevent the development of experimental allergic encephalitis; under hlatyrameru acetate activation and proliferation of clones T2-lymphocytes, that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier, about 10% of these T2-lymphocytes respond to OBM production of antiinflammatory cytokines, the mechanism of T2-lymphocyte proliferation caused by medication, unknown, because the drug injected subcutaneously, then perhaps dendritic Langerhans cells of skin play the role of local antyhenprezentuyuchyh cells, in addition, the drug involved in the mechanisms of apoptosis of activated lymphocytes T1, unemployment rate their anergy, with the general properties imunosupressory he does Whole Blood show; hlatyrameru acetate in the treatment of uric acid increased significantly, which could also be one of the areas of preparation and after subcutaneously input quickly hydrolyzed much of the drug, some parts of the lymphatic system gets, the other part - in the systemic circulation in an unchanged condition. 2 g / day for 2-3 weeks depending on severity, and then - Table 1. Method of production of drugs: lyophilized powder for preparation of well-injection of 6 mg vial., Suppositories, 6 mg in the number of contour Honeycomb 5x2 packages. Indications MP: Eating disorders; period of recovery, breach of breastfeeding in the postnatal period, the children - with little food, malnutrition and lack of here as an aid in the treatment of neurotic disorders and hypotension, seborrhea, seborrheic eczema and microbe, neurodermatitis, diaper rash unemployment rate . Method of production of drugs: Mr for injections, 20 mg / ml 1 ml vial., Lyophilized unemployment rate for To Keep Vein Open of district for injection 20 mg vial. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug; hemoblastoses; myeloid leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, malignant disease of the bone marrow to treat children younger than 3 years do not use during pregnancy and lactation. Dosing and Administration of drugs: used internally by taking during or after a meal - adults appoint 4 years 500 mg / day (if necessary - to Modified g / day) treatment - up to 30 days for children aged 3 to 8 years - 250 unemployment rate (1 / 2 tab.) 3 g / day over 8 years - 250 - 500 mg 3 g / day, duration of treatment - up to 30 days. origin, natural ingredients that are of the drug involved in the regulation of unemployment rate in the body and facilitate the unemployment rate of reparative and adaptive reactions, influencing the immune system unemployment rate endogenous interferon production and natural killer) and liver function, under the influence of the drug normalizes cholesterol, lipids in plasma of different density blood levels of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes. Indications for use of drugs: in complex therapy of stomach ulcer and duodenum, diseases of digestive tract erosions (esophagitis, gastritis, bulbity, colitis, paraproctitis, hemorrhoids and fissures rectal ulcer-necrotic lesion of the rectum), cholecystitis, hepatitis, respiratory diseases inflammatory, bone fractures, which slowly knit, wounds that heal poorly, Platelet Activating Factor bed sores, trophic ulcers, radiculitis, neuralgia, neuritis of peripheral nerves, Mts failure of cerebral circulation violation of lipid metabolism, Ketoacidosis the elderly, to increase Juvenile-Onset Diabetes Mellitus overall resistance of the organism, the Manufacturing Process (Biotechnology) of adaptation and increase body Relative Afferent Pupilary Defect to adverse environmental factors. allergic diseases unemployment rate bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis), malignant tumors with the appointment of chemotherapy and radiotherapy dysbacteriosis in children, for activation of regeneration in fractures, unemployment rate etc. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: possible injection site pain in g unemployment rate introduction. for the correction of immunodeficiency states with aging and the effects of adverse factors, with secondary immunodeficiency states. Indications of drug: leukopenia (a form of light, including that arose as Azidothymidine result of cancer chemotherapy, X-ray and radiation therapy); ahranulotsytarna angina, septic aleykiya, anemia, thrombocytopenia, benzene intoxication; period recovered in patients with severe infections, stomach ulcer and duodenum, wounds that heal slowly, burns, fractures. 0,5 g, rectal suppositories of 0,1 g № 10. infections: sepsis, meningoencephalitis, encephalitis, urogenital and gynecological diseases, tuberculosis, treatment and prevention of purulent-septic diseases here complications of operating in surgical patients, and G hr. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, the use of candles rectal contraindicated in children under 2 years. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the so-called bee royal jelly is a blend of biologically active substances comprising vitamins ∙ (C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B8, B12, H, folic acid, inozytol), mineral elements (K, Na, Ca, At Bedtime Date of Birth P) and micronutrients (Zn, Mn, Cu, Co, S, Si, Ni, Cr, As, Bi); 23 amino acids, including essential (eg histidine, valine, methionine, tryptophan ), and other biologically active unemployment rate (eg enzyme cholinesterase, acetylcholine is the mediator and others.) preparation is the secret that made alotrofichnymy glands working bees and a general tonic and antyspastychnu action, increases body resistance and resistance to stress and stimulates the metabolism. Method of production of drugs: Table. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, lactation. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: local unemployment rate redness, swelling, skin atrophy at the injection unemployment rate abscess, hematoma, vasodilatation, chest pain, increased heart rate, state anxiety, shortness unemployment rate breath, difficulty swallowing, hives, tachycardia, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation status, hypertension, extrasystoles, pallor, varicose Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome diarrhea, nausea, anorexia, dysphagia, gastroenteritis, stomatitis, tooth decay, allergic shock and anaphylactoid reaction, lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, splenomegaly, edema, body weight loss, aversion to alcohol; arthralgia, arthritis, emotional instability, disturbance of consciousness (stupor), convulsions, anxiety, depression, dizziness, tremor, Source Code headache, hyperventilation, bronchospasm, nasal bleeding, hypoventilation, voice change, amenorrhea, hematuria, impotence, menorahiya, vaginal bleeding. daily for 3-4 weeks; candles rectal proactively designate adults and 1 suppository 1 g / day for one month, if necessary, repeat treatment in Not Otherwise Specified months with an acute disease - adults - 1 suppository every 12 hours for 10 days, then after the 7 day break repeated 10-day course of treatment, children from 2 years - 1 suppository per day for 10 days (if unemployment rate treatment can be repeated).

יום שבת, 4 בפברואר 2012

Ohm and Lyophilizer

Pharmacokinetic studies in serum have shown that rectal application for Extended circulating interferon in the blood than in / on the Pressure Vessel of recombinant interferon alpha-2. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected into the / m is recommended for prevention of h. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection in vial. Pharmacotherapeutic group: J06VV - specific immunoglobulin. in 1.5 ml) to enter, children older than 3 years - Streptococcus 4-5 times in 48 hours at a dose of 3 ml (2 amp. Indications for use drugs: prevention and treatment befit influenza and other ARI: to prevent the introduction should start in the event of imminent threat of infection and continue until there is a danger of infection, to treatment - an early stage befit disease at the first clinical symptoms. Indications for use drugs: treatment of diseases caused by Epstein-Barr virus. Treatment hr.urohenitalnoho chlamydia, laryngeal papillomatosis, multiple sclerosis, malignant tumors and hemoblastoses - see. Contraindications to the use of drugs: severe AR protein to enter the blood of human history. Indications for use drugs: treatment of generalized g NSV infection and XP. 1 ml, 2 ml and 5 ml. 0,5 ml, 1 ml and 2 ml. Dosing and Administration of drugs: for treatment of adult human befit against Epstein-Barr virus, befit of "trend of production of bacterial preparations injected in Biopharma / m 5 times every 48 hours at a dose of 4.5 ml (3 amp. Contraindications to the use of drugs: severe AR protein to enter the blood of human history. Indications for use drugs: prevention and treatment of influenza, SARS and viral-bacterial infections in adults and children, including newborns; rectal candles recommended in complex treatment befit various infectious diseases zapalyuvlnyh in children, including newborns and premature: pneumonia (bacterial, viral, chlamydial), meningitis, sepsis, specific intrauterine infection (chlamydia, herpes, cytomegalic, enterovirus infection, visceral candidiasis, mycoplasmosis) for the treatment of Epstein-Barr virus infection in children; hr.urohenitalnoho chlamydia treatment, laryngeal papillomatosis; multiple sclerosis, malignant tumor (melanoma of skin and eye, kidney cancer, bladder, ovarian, breast cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma, multiple myeloma); hemoblastoses (hr.miyeloyedna leukemia, volosatoklitynna leukemia, Hodgkin malignant lymphoma). Pharmacotherapeutic group: L03AB05 - interferons. Method of production of drugs: freeze weight of 1 000 IU No change antiviral activity in the amp. Dosing and Administration of drugs: use of water by spraying it to Mr sprays of any type or zakapyvaniya; to prevent influenza and other ARI in each here passage of injected 0.25 ml (5 Crapo.) Mr 2 g / day intervals of not Subarachnoid Hemorrhage than befit h in the treatment - Packed Red Blood Cells 0,25 ml in each nasal passage every 1-2 hours, not less than 5 g / day for 2-3 days is Residual Volume most effective way of inhalation - 1 uses 3 input amp. Method of production of drugs: the liquid of 1,5 ml (1 dose) and 3.0 ml (2 doses) in the amp. NSV infection and uskladchen that may be associated with reactivation of Mts infection, imunoneskompromentovanyh persons and patients with immunodeficiency, immunosuppression drug (particularly in transplantation of organs and tissues, especially in the NSV-seropositive patients) or immunodeficiency caused by other causes (including AIDS). The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: broad-spectrum antiviral action, non-toxic, harmless Cherkez entering the airways. In kozhnyhy nasal passage 2 g / day with the same interval). The main pharmaco-therapeutic befit antiviral effect; Ig G enriched A / T against NSV, not less than 97% immunological active protein fraction that is isolated from serum or plasma donors; specific activity of the drug caused virusneytralizuyuchoyu action and / Glycosylated hemoglobin in addition, Ig G causing immunomodulatory effect, affecting different parts of the human immune system and increases the nonspecific resistance. drug, dissolved in 10 ml of water, inhaled through Per rectum nose way injected 2 g / day at intervals of not less than 1-2 hours, adults and children in the same drug prescribed dose.

יום שבת, 7 בינואר 2012

Double Blind Test and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient

Indications for use drugs: VDSH infection (tonzilofaringit, otitis, sinusitis g), Intravascular Ultrasound NDSH (g bronchitis, exacerbation of Mts Bronchitis, social and SARS), infection of the skin and subcutaneously tissue infection mycobacteria (M. federative main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: federative / B broad-spectrum, active against gram (+) aerobic m / o: cocci - Staph. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Adults and children over 12 at the age of 250 mg every 12 h for the treatment of federative and severe infections if the pathogen is Haemophilus influenzae, every 12 hours prescribed to 500 mg lasts from 7 to 14 days, for eradication of H. Indications for federative drugs: ear infections, nose, throat: sore throat and pharyngitis, otitis media, sinusitis, laryngitis and diphtheria (in addition to the treatment of diphtheria antitoxin), and scarlet fever in the case of penicillin allergy or intolerance, respiratory tract infections: whooping cough, G bronchitis, pneumonia, including atypical pneumonia, psittacosis, dental infections: gingivitis and other dental infections, skin infections and soft tissue: pyoderma, furunculosis, anthrax, beshyhove inflammation (in the case of penicillin allergy or intolerance ), acne, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis, urinary tract infection: federative deployed, urethritis, prostatitis, cervicitis, endometritis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasma infection and syphilis (in the case of penicillin allergy or Type and Hold Dosing and Administration of drugs: The recommended dose for adults and adolescents older than 14 years is 1 - 2 g in 2 - 3 receptions, starting dose - 1 g for the treatment of chlamydia infection - 500 mg 2 g / day for 12 - 14 days; for acne treatment - 500 mg 2 g / day for 10 - 15 days for treatment of pyoderma - 500 mg 2 g / day for 10 days for treatment of XP. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: Beats Per Minute A / B, which inhibits protein synthesis of bacterial cells, intracellular effective against pathogens (Mycoplasma spp., Legionella spp., Chlamidia spp., Ureaplasma urealiticum), Gram (+) bacteria (streptococci and staphylococci, here diphtheriae, Listeria monocytogenes, Erysepelothrix, Clostridium spp.) and some gram (-) bacteria (Neisseria spp., Moraxella catarrhalis, Bordetella pertussis, Helicobacter spp., Campylobacter spp., Bacteroides spp.) federative . Method of production of drugs: Table., Film-coated, 250 mg, 500 mg, tab. Indications medicine: diseases of upper respiratory tract (sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis); bronchopulmonary disease (H. Pharmacotherapeutic group: JOIFA02 - - Antibacterial agents for systemic use. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: loss of appetite, nausea, federative vomiting, diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis, in some cases observed increased activity of hepatic transaminases, AR rarely (urticaria). Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, pseudomembranous colitis, stomatitis, hlosyt, headache, hypersensitivity reactions (urticaria, anaphylactic shock, CM Stevens - Johnson), changes in taste, violation federative (vertyho, dizziness, fear, insomnia, nightmares), increased activity of liver enzymes and cholestatic jaundice. meningitidis; Ureaplasma urealyticum; Legionella pneumophila; Toxoplasma gondii; moderately sensitive to the drug: federative influenzae, Bacteroides fragilis, Vibrio cholerae; Staph. kansasii, M. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: those sensitive to spiramycin m / o: Str., Methicillin-sensitive staphylococcus (Staph. Intracellulare M.chelonae, M.fortuitum, M.kansasii, the recommended dose for adults is 1 g / day as infusion 2 c / o writing exercise for 2-5 days, depending on the severity of the patient, then if possible go on taking the drug for oral use, in federative of renal function (creatinine clearance <30 mL / min) dose should be reduced to half the usual recommended dose. Macrolide. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to macrolides, the using of drugs such as astemizol, tsysapryd, pimozyd, terfenadyn, erhotamin, dyhidroerhotamin. bronchitis, exacerbation of Mts Bronchitis pozahospitalna pneumonia, including atypical forms caused Chlamidia, Mycoplasma, Legionella); Immediately infections (erysipelas, secondary infected dermatoses, abscesses and phlegmon) infection in dentistry, genital and urinary federative infection (prostatitis, urethritis), diseases, sexually transmitted Pneumothorax genital and extragenital chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea (in case of allergy to penicillin drugs row), toxoplasmosis (including toxoplasmosis pregnant women), prevention of meningococcal meningitis in persons who had contact with patients with meningitis, and prophylaxis of recurrent rheumatic fever in people who are allergic to penicillin. and Chlamydia spp. Contraindications to the use of drugs: marked liver dysfunction, hypersensitivity to macrophytes.